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Tinnitus Homeopathy


Tinnitus is the ringing,buzzing,crackling or hissing sounds heard inside one or both the ears. Many people experience an occasional ringing in their ears, usually lasts for few minutes.If it doesn’t get better or go away it is called tinnitus.

There are Two main types of tinnitus:
Pulsatile (like a heart beat) tinnitus is caused by sounds created by muscle movements near the ear,changes in the ear canal or blood flow problems in the face or neck.You may hear your own pulse or the contractions of your muscles. Non-pulsatile is caused by the nerves involved in hearing. You may hear in one or both the ears.

The most common cause of tinnitus is hearing loss, which occurs with aging.
Other causes include
Injury to the head,ear or neck
Outer or middle or inner ear infections,(ear drum rupture, Menieres disease,labyrinthitis)
Abnormalities in the brain(brain tumours such as acoustic neuroma),
Using certain drugs such as antibiotics or Aspirin.antidepressants,sedatives
Dental problems
Temporo-mandibular problems
Neurologic disorders (migraine, multiple sclerosis)
High or low blood pressure
Cardiac diseases,
Allergies etc.

Allopathic treatment :
There is no specific allopathic treatment for tinnitus. If there is any infection in the ear , antibiotics are given. Some cases are maintained with antianxiety or antidepressant medication..


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