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Heel pain Calcanea spurr

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Heel pain Calcanea spurr Homeopathy


Heel Pain or calcaneal spurr or Plantar fascitis.

Have you had a problem waking up in the morning and putting your feet on the floor ?
Does your heel pain terribly initially and as you begin to walk does the pain gradually subsides ?
When you get up from your seat do your heels hurt till you walk a few steps ?

You could be suffering from calcaneal spur.
The spur is deposition of calcium around the ligaments and tendons of the foot where they attach to the heel bone. The spur grows from the bone and into the flesh of the foot.

Calcaneal spur :

It is a bony spur projecting from the back or underside of the heel bone (the calcaneus). The calcaneal spur is seen most often in persons over the age of 40.

Achilles Heel:

Spurs at the back of the heel are associated with inflammation of the Achilles tendon (Achilles tendinitis) and cause tenderness and pain at the back of the heel that is made worse by pushing off the ball of the foot.

Plantar fascitis:

Spurs under the sole (plantar area) are associated with inflammation of the plantar fascia (the bowstring-like tissue stretching from the heel underneath the sole) and cause localised tenderness and pain made worse by stepping down on the heel.
They are all mostly associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter’s disease, ankylosing spondylitis, and diffused idiopathic skelet al hyperostosis.


Deposition of calcium
Poor circulation of the blood
Degenerative diseases


Continuous painful aching
Severe pain when you start to walk after rest
Pain decreases as you walk
Not all heel spurs cause symptoms. Some are discovered on X-rays taken for other purposes.

Tips for Relief:

Elevation of the affected foot and leg
Applying gentle heat to the painful area
Icing reduces pain and inflammation
Donut-shaped shoe inserts
Foam rubber pad in the heel of the shoe
Ultrasound waves
Whirlpool baths


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